Početak je nove sezone, a u novom sjajnom prostoru Kolektora, Deeport kolektiv nastavlja svoj serijal gostovanja, dovodeći i upoznajući publiku sa nekim od najsvježijih i najuzbudljivijih imena današnje dance scene.
Sa velikim zadovoljstvom, najavljujemo našeg prvog gosta u Kolektoru:
Esa (Dekmantel, Worldwide FM / South Africa)
➡️ Rođen u Kejptaunu u Južnoj Africi, Esa Williams je vremenom pažljivo oblikovao svoj jedinstven i opsežan muzički identitet. Harizmatican i energican kao DJ, nadaren kao producent i edukator, ambasador je južnoafrickog zvuka koji doživljava proboj na nikad raznovrsnijem tržištu evropskog noćnog života. Preseljenjem u London, Esa je svoj impresivan prudukcijski “output” i angažman u muzičkoj industriji podigao na još viši nivo. Postao je resident nekoliko kultnih klubova i delujući jos šire, osniva svoju izdavacku kuću, Rememory Music. Član je Gilles Peterson-ove Worldwide FM familije i frontmen nedavno oživljene enigmatične senzacije iz Ghane, dance-rap benda Ata Kak. Esa Williams je jedan od najvrijednijih ljudi na današnjoj dance sceni Evrope a i šire.
23. novembra donosi nam Africku tropikaliju sa sobom, i vjerujte nam na riječ, Kolektor će ugrijati plesom.
🕒 Deeport ekipa počinje da zagrijava stvari od 22:00h, a Esa preuzima pult od oko 00:00h sve do kraja.
🎫 Cijena ulaznica:
5€ pretprodaja;
7€ na ulazu.
👉 Radi boljeg ugođaja broj ulaznica je ograničen i možete ih kupiti u kafeteriji ZRNO, koja se nalazi na Rimskom trgu u Podgorici.
Kicking off the season in a new and vibrant venue, Deeport collective continues their party series, one that will bring in many fresh and exciting acts from all over the world to the local crowd. First up, with great pleasure, we announce our first guest:
Esa (Dekmantel, Worldwide FM / South Africa)
➡️ Cape Town born Esa Williams has sculpted his own unique and expansive musical identity. Charismatic and energy-filled as a DJ, gifted as a producer, and driven as an educator, he is an ambassador for the South African music scene within the crowded landscape of European nightlife. His move to London, UK catalysed his impressive and evolving musical output. Getting resident status at iconic clubs, Esa slowly moved even further, subsequently producing his own Rememory Music Label. He is part of the Giles Peterson’s Worldwide FM family, and a frontman of the recently rediscovered Ghanaian band, an enigmatic dance-rap act that is Ata Kak. The list goes on as Esa is one of the hardest working guys in the industry and take our word for it, he will bring the African tropics and warm up your dancing shoes this late November.
🕒 Party hits off at 22:00, with Deeport crew handling the intro and Esa picking it up from around 00:00, up until the end.
🎫 Ticket price:
5€ presale;
7€ at the entrance.
👉 For a more comfortable experience the number of tickets is limited, and you can buy them at the ZRNO cafeteria in Podgorica.